Acne can strike almost anybody, anywhere, and at any time, but it can be stopped right in its tracks with a L.E.D. light treatment. This advanced treatment uses the power of light and heat energy to maximize oxygen delivery to the pores. This destroys the acne-causing bacteria, as well as reduces redness and inflammation. Further, the light and heat energy aid in opening up the pores to unclog the oil, dirt, and bacteria that lead to acne. Inland Empire board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Childers offers this innovative procedure in about 1/3 of the time it normally takes for other acne procedures. Also, there is no downtime or serious side effects to worry about with a light treatment.
What to Expect
A physician or trained medical staff member can perform an IPL Photo Rejuvenation laser treatment on patients. The procedure is gentle, safe and non-invasive, which allows for little to no recovery time. A full series of the laser treatment includes 3 to 4 sessions, with each session lasting 20 minutes every 3 weeks. Some patients may experience a slight sting, similar to the snapping of a rubber band, while the skin is being treated. All IPL treatments are customized to each patient’s skin type and condition to provide the best possible, long-lasting results.

IPL Photo Rejuvenation FAQs
Quick Results?
Improvement can be seen after each treatment, but the best results can be seen a month after a full series of treatments is completed. It’s common for patients to respond differently to each treatment session. Patients will see a gradual improvement of redness, blotchiness, sunspots and age spots over time.
Side Effects?
Most patients experience mild side effects like temporary swelling, redness, crusting, bruising or superficial blisters. These subside within a day or two after the procedure.
Do I Need to Prep for IPL?
Patients about to undergo an IPL laser treatment are usually asked to avoid self-tanners and excessive sun for 2 to 4 weeks prior to the procedure. They should discontinue the use of minocycline, tetracycline, doxycycline or Retin-A/Renova several days before each treatment, and may be asked to take aspirin or ibuprofen a week before the procedure to help prevent bruising. Patients should also protect the treated areas with sunscreen between sessions.
Are Patients Sun Sensitive?
Patients will not be sun sensitive, but they should keep in mind that excessive sun exposure will affect the results of the procedure. Patients should always wear sunscreen to protect their skin, and decrease the appearance of redness, brown spots, wrinkles and skin cancer.
Why so Many Sessions?
A full series of IPL Photo Rejuvenation sessions are required in order to provide gradual, natural-looking improvement with little to no risk of the patient’s safety. Multiple sessions also allow for longer-lasting results.